Wednesday, September 3, 2008

So I have survived orientation aka lots of talking. But it has only filled my head with so many more things I would like to do. Here is the list as it stands..
1. Spend a weekend in Rome
2. Visit the island of Santorini one weekend
3. Visit Istanbul sometime for some amount of time
4. Go see a show in the open air theaters
5. Visit all the major archaeological structures in Greece
6. Take Greek cooking classes
7. Go on every field trip imaginable that CYA offers
8. maybe a weekend in Cairo?

That is where the list stands for now. Some of these goals are easier said then done. CYA offers plenty of weekend trips as well as field trips from our classes. Santorini is a short ferry ride away. Italy, Istanbul , and Cairo could be a little bit more challenging. \

As far as the archaeological sites go.. I've seen the acroplis from a far (i get to go there with one of my classes). Oh plus there is an open air theater that does performances at night that sits right next to the acropolis..I am definitely going there! We explored the National Gardens where the Zappeion building sits. It is building where Congress is held. We also visited the Temple of the Olympian Zeus. I have posted pictures on my webshots page of what my apartment looks like, the churchs we have visited, as well as the 2 sites I mentioned above.

I am taking my crash course on Greek and while the alphabet seems wayyyyy confusing I am picking up key phrases and sayings. Tonight CYA has scheduled a taverna dinner for all those interested. Of course I am going. We will split between different tavernas throughout Athens and get to eat with professors and administration. Next week, the President of our program has invited all of us to join his family at a garden party at his home in one of the Athenian suburbs.

Classes start tomorrow and I think the game plan for this weekend is to maybe hit the beach and then go on a hiking trip up this pseudo mountain to one the most spectacular views in Athens. (link to my photos)

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